Imperfectly Aimee K. is both a printable (digital product) shop, as well as a blog. I started writing and preparing for a blog back in 2020, launched my printables shop in 2021, and in 2022 I launched my Virtual Assistant business, Virtually Aimee K. Imperfectly Aimee K. is a reflection of my creative side by both selling my specially designed printables, and by utilizing it as a place for me to share my life with you. My main blog topics are Health and Wellness, dealing with Chronic Illnesses, Women’s Health (The Hostile Vagina-the things that we don’t talk about, or wish we had more information on) and living the small town Rocky Mountain Life. Hopefully I can provide a new perspective on all things health & wellness, while sharing life’s ups and downs at the same time.

Hi, I’m Aimee! Thanks for checking out my website, I appreciate it so much!! A little about me, I’m married, in my 40’s, and I live in the Rocky Mountains in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I live with chronic illnesses, and have had many rare and uncommon conditions that I like to spread awareness about. I have Sjogren’s Syndrome, Spasmodic Torticollis (Cervical Dystonia), and an undefined bleeding disorder. I have had 11 surgeries- 4 of them being in 2021, and I have perplexed many healthcare practitioners. I also remain an upbeat, positive, and outgoing person, and I always strive to give my all in anything I put my mind too. I work full-time and I also have two side hustle businesses. I struggle with chronic illness, but I don’t let it run my life (as much as I can control). I want to help bring awareness to multiple health issues and provide tips on how to overcome and/or avoid them altogether. This is me, this is my life- honest & true! Welcome to the ride!