Many of you probably grow herbs at home to use in your food. Did you know that some of your herbs might have some healing and medicinal properties? Some of your herbs might help with your burns, scrapes, and other minor injuries. Others can be mixed with other natural ingredients to make natural medicines and beauty products.
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Medicinal Properties of Peppermint
A great type of mint to consider growing for its medicinal properties is peppermint. Peppermint is great for creating healing balms, lotions, and oils. It is also a great tool for those that suffer from headaches or migraines (I speak from personal experience). It is also great to use in your dental hygiene routine. As you probably know, Peppermint is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. You can use it in your tea for digestion, and in your topical oils for headaches. It will even help keep some pests out of your home!
Medicinal Properties of Lavender
Lavender is considered an herb, but not many of us think of it as an herb to use for healing. Lavender is more known for its beautiful scent and is typically used in skincare, and bath products. This is true because it is gentle on the skin, and the aromatic scent is so soothing! Lavender may help to improve your sleep. Inhaled it may help with your headaches and nervous disorders, and topically it may help to treat your skin ailments. Luckily, lavender is pretty easy to grow in your garden so you can have your own personal supply!
Medicinal Properties of Echinacea
We all know this herb for its medicinal properties, however, we don’t really think to grow it in our gardens. If you are looking for herbs with healing and medicinal properties, this is the main one you want to have! It is not super easy, so if you’re a new gardener I recommend starting with simpler options such as basil and thyme, then gradually working into the more difficult to grow herbs.
Echinacea can be used to help boost your immune system throughout the cold and flu season. This can help to avoid illnesses or help your symptoms to be less severe. Echinacea can also help to relieve pain and to reduce inflammation.
Medicinal Properties of Chamomile
Have you had Chamomile tea before? The answer is most likely yes. Chamomile is well known as a calming tea in the herbal tea world. This is because the medicinal properties may help to calm anxiety and help people to relax. It can also help with digestion. Chamomile also helps soothe skin irritations when applied topically. In some countries it is used for wound healing and to help reduce inflammation or swelling.
Medicinal Properties of Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm, also known as Melissa Officinalis, is a member of the mint family. This herb is known for its calming medicinal properties. You can use it in tea to help reduce stress and anxiety, help with digestion, and to help promote sleep. Back in the middle ages, it was steeped in wine to help heal wounds, lift spirits, and treat venomous insect bites. These days you would typically blend it with other calming herbs to make relaxation teas.
Medicinal Properties of Aloe Vera
Although not technically an herb (actually a succulent), Aloe Vera is still worth mentioning for its medicinal properties! If you’ve ever had a sunburn, most likely you’re no stranger to aloe vera. Using the plant itself is much better than getting a bottle of lotion or gel made with aloe vera. Aloe vera typically will only grow outside in a warm climate, but it makes a wonderful houseplant year-round, that requires minimal maintenance or attention.
Whether you already have a garden, or you prefer to stick to indoor plants, these are some of the best plants to grow! Even just growing one or two, you’ll appreciate it when you are sick, injured, or having sleep or anxiety issues. Just harvest what you need and start reaping the benefits!! Before diving into any new herbs, always be sure to check with your medical doctor first! Herbs can interact with different medical conditions and medications.
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