PLR My Health Planner comes with 56 pages of Canva templates in four sizes- US Letter, A4, A5, and 8×10! This planner will help you to track, record, and plan for all of your health and medical needs! It comes with daily, weekly, and monthly planning pages, medication trackers, medical trackers and logs, dated calendar pages from June 2023 to December 2025, undated calendar templates, and more!! You will receive a PDF with links to access all of the Canva templates and PDFs.
PLR My Health Planner comes with the following pages:
Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Planning
Medication Trackers x3
Track your Pain, Symptoms, and even your Menstrual Period
Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Logs
Habit Tracking
Dated Monthly Calendars- July 2023 to December 2025